Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Today. Wednesday.

First of all, we want to wish Aunt Rebecca a happy birthday! Hope you had a fun day celebrating!

Today Cooper and I went to our first activity this week. He was starting to feel better last night and we were able to have fun and get out of the house this morning. We went to the Ridge and had a good time, it was good to see our friends again too.

The kids were hilarious after school! I bought them some light weight gloves and a hat for Cooper, our hands get so cold on the walk to school. And they thought the gloves were so cool. Chloe of course had to do the mix match :-)We had to take lots of pictures! It was one of those times where you just had to be there but we were laughing and having fun :-)

Last, Chloe woke up Sunday back to her old healthy self again!!! It's been a long two months of doctor visits, medicines, sleepless night and missing school and activities. But she's better now!!!

Yesterday she told me she really wanted to earn Pow Princess at cheer practice. I told her that since she's healthy again, she'll be able practice hard and possibly win. And guess what? She worked hard and won! I'm so proud of her :-) way to go Chloe!

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