Thursday, July 7, 2016

4th of July 2016!

We were so happy to spend papa Smith's favorite holiday with him! And thank you for inviting my parents over. It really was so great to have everyone together!

We started off the day with an entertaining parade! The kids got so much candy. They are so different from each other. Cooper gathers the candy and eats it as he gets it. Chloe saves it and barely eats a single piece. Lol :-) but I just loved watching Chloe help Cooper get candy or give him some of hers when he didn't get any. She's such an awesome big sister.  Even Charlie enjoyed the parade and was well behaved given all the noise, activity and other animals.

Us girls then had fun shopping all the vendors. Chloe picked out some goodies and even remembered my advice from last year about looking at everything once and then going back and buying your favorite items after you've seen everything :-) And thanks to gramma K for the special owl for Chloe:-) 

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