Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April Fool's Day!!!

Chloe was so excited to tell me about April Fool's Day on our walk home from school today. So naturally we plotted our trick on daddy. We had soooo many ideas but Chloe settled on getting daddy a "cold" glass of water for him to drink after a long day at work but it was actually going to be hot water! It was super cute of her and daddy was a good sport. Next year we are going to work on the execution factor in pulling a prank because she could barely contain herself, lol.

Then the rest of the day was spent making up stories followed by shouting April Fool's :-)

Daddy pulled a good one on me! When I got home from my run, I went to wash my hands, I always wash my hands when I get home, and when I turned on the water faucet the sprayer went off instead and drenched my shirt! He had rubber banned the handle down. The good part for me was that it actually felt good, lol, I was really hot :-) we were laughing about it and Jason said, "you don't know how long I've been wanting to pull that prank on you" and I said "what took you so long" and he replied "well it did take me ten years to ask you to marry me" lol, we both laughed hard :-)

Happy April Fool's Day :-)

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