Monday, March 31, 2014

Sunday at the zoo!!!

It was a gorgeous 72 degree day so the kids and I thought it was the perfect afternoon to spend at the zoo!

Chloe loves going to the zoo and it's been a hobby of ours since we had our pass in Denver when she was a baby. She still loves it and continues to enjoy the DM zoo over the years too.

Cooper loves animals and gets so excited when he sees them. This was probably the best trip to the zoo with him that I've experienced. He was so interested in the animals, calling them by name, making their sounds and even waking from sight to sight. Coop did an amazing job of listening and staying with us. He absolutely loved the goats, I think that was his fave part.

Chloe's fave was the indoor discovery center and walking across the bridge :-)

We all had a wonderful time together! We only wish daddy could have been there with us but he's working a million hours and we love him for all the hardwork he does for us!

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